Welcome to our company!
We “Iizuka Inc.” ( Tokyo Iizuka-nousan ) is specialized in manufacturing high quality bird food.
We have been in business since 1955 and one of the oldest bird food manufacturers in Japan.

Ad in the brochure for PIGEON OLYMPIADE-NIPPON (TOKYO) in 1981
We especially have strength in manufacturing racing pigeon grit, and are known for “PLUSLIN”.
PLUSLIN is our flagship product of mineral supplement for pigeons, and has a 65-year-old history as of 2020.
Including PLUSLIN, we have been supplying our products not only for racing pigeons or parakeets of general customers
but also for many kinds of birds in zoos or research institutions.

Iizuka Inc. ( Tokyo Iizuka-nousan )
Head Office: 3-45-6 Otsugaoka, Kashiwa-shi Chiba 277-0921
Tel: +81-4-7191-8108